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Bioengineering Research Scholars Applications for Summer 2025 are now open!

Click this link to sign up for notifcations for future programs.
The UC San Diego Department of Bioengineering and UC San Diego Extended Studies are pleased to offer courses to high school students who are excelling in scholarship and would like to explore Bioengineering. The course offerings are based on fun, experiential, hands-on lab activities, either in person at UC San Diego or remote at home.

In the Bioengineering Broad Overview and Techniques (BE-BOAT) courses, students obtain an Overview of the science and engineering aspects of Bioengineering and learn Techniques in specialty areas.

In the Bioengineering Research Orientation Workshop (BE-ROW) course, students explore an area of Bioengineering in more depth through a guided Research team project.

In the Bioengineering Scholar High School Internship Project (BE-SHIP), students individually propose, conduct, and present a Bioengineering research project. The Fall + Winter offering is typically suitable for a Science/Engineering Fair. The Spring and Summer offerings are for advanced students to continue their research project, for example, to prepare a conference abstract or manuscript.

Interested students normally progress from BE-BOAT to BE-ROW and then BE-SHIP. Students who excel in BE-BOAT may request to advance directly to BE-SHIP.

Students will need (1) computer and (2) cell phone, each with internet access, camera, microphone, audio output, web browser, and Zoom software. Each course will include live sessions during the weekday or weekend. In case of conflicts, students will be able to view session recordings. Work sessions with instructional assistants will be scheduled weekly at convenient times.

Since 2019, >500 students have participated as a Bioengineering Research Scholars. Testimonials from, and Awards to, former students are below!

A limited number of spots are available in each course in order to maintain a low student-instructor ratio. In the past, many courses have been fully enrolled. Please apply as soon as possible to receive consideration for a spot in your desired program(s). For inquiries, please email UCSD Pre-College Programs ( or Bioengineering (

I. BioEngineering Broad Overview and Techniques (BE-BOAT)

In BE-BOAT courses, students obtain an overview of Bioengineering and learn specific hands-on foundation techniques. Each course uses custom lab kits, has Pre-lab planning exercises, lab acquisition and analyses of Results, and post-lab Discussions. These programs build science and engineering foundations and enable a guided research project in BE-ROW (Section II, below).

For Summer 2025, BE-BOAT courses (described below) will be offered as follows :

June 9 - June 13, 2025, BioMechanics & MechanoBiology (BMMB) : In Person or Live Online

June 16 - June 27, 2025, Mammalian Cell & Tissue Culture (MCTC) : In Person or Live Online

June 30 - July 10, 2025, BioImaging & 3D printing (BI3DP) : Live Online

BioMechanics & MechanoBiology (BMMB)

Summer 2025 Program Dates: June 9 - June 13, 2025 - Click here to apply!
Course Delivery: Online or In Person
Summer Tuition: $1,300 (Online), $1,450 (In Person)
Summer Schedule: Students can expect 30 hours of work every week. Each day (M-F) at the times listed (Pacific Time) Online students will join via zoom.
Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
  • 9:00AM - 12:00PM and 1:00PM - 4:00PM - lecture, discussion, activity, and work sessions
  • 12:00PM - 1:00PM - break, provide your own lunch
**There is no/minimal planned homework as there is time during the daily sessions for completing the group and individual work.

In this course, at UCSD (limited spots anticipated) or in their home "lab", students will perform experiments on load-supporting skeletal structures including dissection of the knee, and biomechanical testing of models and tissues (bone, ligament, tendon, meniscus, and cartilage). Following each day’s lab session, students will be guided through fundamentals of biomedical data analysis, discussion, and presentation of their findings. After BMMB, students will have core skills and knowledge of how mammals move and bear load in health, injury, and disease. Those interested in exploring careers in bioengineering, biology, medicine, surgery, dentistry, or pharmacology are encouraged to apply. 

Students will need (1) computer and (2) cell phone, each with internet access, camera, microphone, audio output, web browser, and Zoom software.

Application closes on Monday, May 26, 2025.

Fees and Qualifications
 * For international applicants, additional shipping costs will apply. Due to customs restrictions, some international students might not be able to participate. However, please still apply as usual.
Grade Level - Students must currently be in 10th -12 grade and at least 14 years of age by the start of the session for online courses. Students must be at least 15 years old by the start of the session for in-person courses. 
Minimum GPA - 3.0.
Academic Credit - Students will receive 3 units of Pre-College credit for completing each course.
  • For those joining remotely, loaner lab kits are required and included in the price of tuition.
  • All kits must be returned promptly in order to (A) pass the course and (B) be eligible for taking any future UCSD Research Scholars course. 
  • Miscellaneous items to be purchased locally are ~$50.

Mammalian Cell and Tissue Culture (MCTC)

Summer 2025 Dates: June 16 - June 27, 2025 - Click here to apply!
Course Delivery: Online or In Person
Summer Tuition: $2600 (Online), $2900 (In Person)
Summer Schedule: Students can expect 30 hours of work each day (M-F) at the times listed (Pacific Time)

Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM

  • 9:00AM - 12:00PM and 1:00PM - 4:00PM - lecture, discussion, activity, and work sessions
  • 12:00PM - 1:00PM - break, provide your own lunch

**There is no/minimal planned homework as there is time during the daily sessions for completing the group and individual work.

In this course, in their home "lab", students will obtain (A) hands-on skills training for mammalian cell and tissue culture and (B) background knowledge of how such culture methods are used. Students will learn how to (1) plan, prepare, and deliver solutions to propagate mammalian cells and grow tissues, (2) visualize and obtain digital microscopy images of such cells, tissues, and cultures, (3) interpret biochemical assays to quantify cell and tissue growth, and (4) analyze qualitative and quantitative data in an integrative way. Students will be able to use and learn about standard equipment including micropipettes, serological pipets, culture plates, and digital light microscopes appropriate for cell cultures. Thus, students will obtain the core skills and knowledge of mammalian cell and tissue culture, used in academia and industry to investigate the cause and potential treatments for diseases including cancer, neurodegeneration, myocardial infarction, diabetes, osteoporosis, and arthritis, and to engineer new cell and tissue-based regenerative therapies. The above knowledge and skills provide general foundations for Biological & BioMedical Sciences, BioTechnology & BioEngineering, and Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine.

Students will need (1) computer and (2) cell phone, each with internet access, camera, microphone, audio output, web browser, and Zoom software.

Application closes on Monday, June 2, 2025.
Fees and Qualifications
 * For international applicants, additional shipping costs will apply. Due to customs restrictions, some international students might not be able to participate. However, please still apply as usual.
Grade Level - Students must currently be in 10th -12 grade and at least 14 years of age by the start of the session for online courses. Students must be at least 15 years old by the start of the session for in-person courses. 
Minimum GPA - 3.0.
Academic Credit - Students will receive 3 units of Pre-College credit for completing each course.
  • For those joining remotely, loaner lab kits are required and included in the price of tuition.
  • All kits must be returned promptly in order to (A) pass the course and (B) be eligible for taking any future UCSD Research Scholars course. 
  • Miscellaneous items to be purchased locally are ~$50.

BioImaging & 3D Printing (BI3DP)

Summer 2025 Program Dates: June 30 - July 10, 2025 - Click here to apply!
Course Delivery: Live Online
Summer Tuition: $2,000
Summer Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursdays from 7:00PM - 9:00PM PST
Recordings will be available to make up for occasional missed sessions

The imaging and 3D printing revolution is underway! Students will obtain (A) hands on-skills of Biomedical Imaging and 3D Printing and (B) background knowledge of how such techniques are used in Biological Science and Biomedical Engineering. Students learn (1) how 2D and 3D biological image data is acquired and stored, (2) how to display, (3) manipulate, and (4) how to transform simple designs and complex images into 3D prints. In their home “lab”, students perform exercises including (remote) 3D printing of plates and medical models. Accompanying each day’s lab session, students will be guided through fundamentals of image analysis, and discussion and presentation of their findings.

Students will need (1) computer and (2) cell phone, each with internet access, camera, microphone, audio output, web browser, and Zoom software.

Application closes on Monday, June 9, 2025.

Fees and Qualifications:

 * For international applicants, additional shipping costs will apply. Due to customs restrictions, some international students might not be able to participate. However, please still apply as usual.

Grade Level - Students must currently be in 10th -12 grade and at least 14 years of age by the start of the session for online courses. Students must be at least 15 years old by the start of the session for in-person courses. 
Minimum GPA - 3.0.
Academic Credit - Students will receive 3 units of Pre-College credit for completing each course. 

  • Loaner lab kits are required and included in the price of tuition.
  • All kits must be returned promptly in order to (A) pass the course and (B) be eligible for taking any future UCSD Research Scholars course. 
  • Miscellaneous items to be purchased locally are ~$50.

II. BioEngineering Research Orientation Workshop (BE-ROW)

Introduction to Bioengineering Research (BEI2R)

Spring 2025 Dates: April 5 - May 24, 2025 - SPRING IS NOW CLOSED.
Course Delivery:
Spring Tuition:
Spring Schedule -
Students can expect 4-8 hours of work every week (for 8 weeks).
*weekend: 2 hour meetings. Bioengineering department will send out surveys for schedule availability.
*homework: 2-6 hrs

Summer 2025 Dates: July 14 - August 8, 2025 - Click here to apply!
Course Delivery:
Summer Tuition: $2600
Summer Schedule - Students can expect 15-20 hours of work every week (for 4 weeks)

  • M,W,F 12n-1p - 3 hours lecture and discussion - live zoom sessions
  • Tu, Th 9a-12n - 6 hours of live office hours with program assistants
  • 6-11 hours of homework

Explore Bioengineering Research! How is research in Bioengineering done? How is it different than traditional research in biology or technology development in other engineering disciplines? In their home “lab”, students work in research teams to plan and conduct a biomedical engineering design or science investigation. BEI2R will build upon foundation knowledge (from a BOAT course or by permission).

Students will conduct the project in collaboration with active researchers. They will progress through the major steps of Bioengineering research: literature review; problem or question definition; bioengineering modeling; study design; experimental data acquisition; results analysis and interpretation; abstract and paper writing; and podium and poster presentations. A variety of pre-planned team research projects in BioMechanics, BioImaging, 3D Printing, MechanoBiology, Tissue Engineering, or Regenerative Medicine will be offered, and students matched to projects based on preferences.

Completing the team research project will prepare students to lead a research project.

Students will need (1) computer and (2) cell phone, each with internet access, camera, microphone, audio output, web browser, and Zoom software.

Fees and Qualifications

*For international applicants, additional shipping costs will apply

Grade Level - Students must currently be in 10th -12 grade and at least 14 years of age by the start of the session for online courses. Students must be at least 15 years old by the start of the session for in-person courses. 

Minimum GPA - 3.0.

Pre-Requisite– Students must have satisfactorily completed a BOAT course or have instructor’s permission.

Academic Credit - Students will receive 3 units of Pre-College credit for completing each course. 

III. BioEngineering Scholar High School Internship Project (BE-SHIP)

BE-SHIP provides interested High School Scholars with the opportunity to plan and conduct a focused research internship and project in collaboration with an academic lab. Within BE-SHIP, the BioEngineering Research Project (BERP) sequence consists of two parts: (A) proposing a research project; and (B) conducting and reporting on the project. BERP-A normally follows (requires as prerequisites) one (or more) BE-BOAT foundation course and the BE-ROW course, BEI2R. At a more advanced level in BE-SHIP, the Bioengineering Summer High School Program (BESHSP) normally follows a successful BERP-B.

BioEngineering Summer High School Program (BE-SHSP)

Summer 2025 Dates: June 9 - August 8, 2025
Course Delivery:
Summer Tuition: Please Inquire
Pre-Requisite: BERP-B or BE-I2R, and Instructors’ permission
Summer Schedule: 30-40 hr / week for 8 weeks (of the ten week period)

This unique summer internship program provides a state-of-the-art Bioengineering experience for rising high school students. Students will be able to join a forefront research lab in Bioengineering at UC San Diego for eight weeks during the summer. Student will work closely with a lab mentor and faculty investigator on a Bioengineering research project. Projects range from discovery-stage science to application-stage development. Topics range from genes, molecules, and cells, to materials, tissues, organs, and organisms. Target diseases include sports injuries, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and skeletal dysplasias. In addition, students will obtain an overview of the field of Bioengineering, attend field trips to local companies, hear specialized lectures from forefront researchers, and learn about career pathways in Bioengineering.

Fees and Qualifications

*For international applicants, additional shipping costs will apply.

Grade Level - Students must currently be in 10th -12 grade and at least 14 years of age by the start of the session for online courses. Students must be at least 15 years old by the start of the session for in-person courses. 

Minimum GPA - 3.0.

Academic Credit - Students will receive 12 units of Pre-College credit for completing the course.

BioEngineering Research Project A – Proposal (BERP-A)

Fall 2024 Dates:  October 5 - November 23, 2024
Course Delivery:

Plan a Bioengineering Research Project!  Students collaborate with a Bioengineering research lab to propose a Design or Science internship project, suitable for completion in the next quarter. Projects will build upon foundation knowledge from a pre-requisite BOAT course. Students will progress through literature review, problem or question definition; study design, and pilot studies in order to create the proposal. The project proposal can be coordinated to enable application to a Science and Engineering Fair.

BioEngineering Research Project B – Research (BERP-B)

Winter Dates: January, 18 - March 9, 2025 
Course Delivery:
Online or Hybrid

Conduct a Bioengineering Research Project!  Students will conduct their proposed research project. They will conduct lab experimentation and data acquisition, analyze and interpret results, write an abstract and paper, and prepare a presentation. A collaborating lab may assist students in obtaining experimental results. The research project can be coordinated to enable preparation for a Science and Engineering Fair presentation.

Fees and Qualifications

Tuition - $2,600 for Online & $3,000 for Hybrid (Additional lab fee up to $500 may be required (for BERP-B, project dependent))

*For international applicants, additional shipping costs will apply.

Grade Level - Students must currently be in 10th -12 grade and at least 14 years of age by the start of the session for online courses. Students must be at least 15 years old by the start of the session for in-person courses. 

Minimum GPA - 3.0.

Pre-Requisite - Instructors’ permission.

Academic Schedule - Students can expect 6-10 hours of work every week:

  • 1 hour lecture and discussion - live zoom sessions
  • 1 hour lab meeting
  • 1-2 hours discussion with research assistant(s)
  • 3-6 hours of homework
  • Weekly times will be based on student schedule availability.

Academic Credit - Students will receive 3 units of Pre-College credit for completing each course.

Other Program Information

BioEngineering Application

Students can access the application for all available courses from the "Apply Now" tab.

BioEngineering Acceptance

Program and enrollment information will be e-mailed to all students accepted into the program 7-10 business days after application is submitted. 

BioEngineering Cancellation/Refund Policies (FALL-SPRING)

Fall Winter Spring
  • Cancellation or withdrawal for any reason prior to one week before the start date (request must be sent with a minimum of 7 days in advance) will receive a full refund
  • Cancellation or withdrawal for any reason within the week prior to the start date (7 days before the start date) will receive 50% refund 
  • Refunds for cancellation or withdrawal once the course has already started  will only be issued for serious illness (doctor's certificate is required) or extenuating circumstances only. Tuition is not refunded for students who are dismissed from the program or who leave because of homesickness, behavioral issues, or failure to comply with covid policies. 
  • For courses with pre-requisites of a prior course and/or instructor permission, a full refund will be provided if continuation is not allowed.
All refund requests must be made in writing to Maysoon Dong, Associate Director, UCSD Pre-College Programs at: You will receive a confirmation of your request. Refunds will take approximately 4-6 weeks to process. Refunds are issued in the same method of payment (check or charge) of payment to UC San Diego Academic Connections.

BioEngineering Cancellation/Refund Policies (SUMMER)

For all Summer Bioengineering programs, the following deadlines apply: 

  • Cancellation or withdrawal for any reason 6 weeks prior to the start date will receive a full refund
  • Cancellation or withdrawal for any reason 4 weeks prior to the start date will receive 50% refund 
  • Refunds for cancellation or withdrawal within 4 weeks prior to the start of the program will only be issued for serious illness (doctor's certificate is required) or extenuating circumstances only. Tuition is not refunded for students who are dismissed from the program or who leave because of homesickness.
  • For courses with pre-requisites of a prior course and/or instructor permission, a full refund will be provided if continuation is not allowed. 

All refund requests must be made in writing to Maysoon Dong, Associate Director, UCSD Pre-College Programs at: You will receive a confirmation of your request. Refunds will take approximately 4-6 weeks to process. Refunds are issued in the same method of payment (check or charge) of payment to UC San Diego Academic Connections.

COVID Policies

  • Masking on campus is optional. For latest updates on our policies, please click here.  
  • If you are experiencing or have had COVID-19 symptoms within the past 14 days, please stay at home.
  • If you believe that you have been in recent contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, please stay at home. 

*Failure to comply with all mandates can result in expulsion from the program with no refund. 

Awards & Testimonials

Awards to Our Students

International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management High/Middle School Science: Awardee

California Science & Engineering Fair: Category Awardee, Nominee

Regional Science & Engineering Fair: Special Awards (American Society of Materials International, U.S. Metric Association)


Hear from Our Students

"I loved working in the lab and gaining exposure to what it's like to be a student researcher!"

"My PI spent many meetings helping me with my presentation and overseeing my research. My mentors were so patient and allowed me to slowly become independent in the research."

"My mentors were extremely thoughtful, deliberate, and nice in guiding my project and making it an immersive learning experience."